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Get ready for the best time of your life!

Many of us were raised to believe that the absolute pinnacle of intimacy and connection is penetrative sex… but maybe for you, it isn’t!

There can be many reasons - from physical conditions that can make penetrative sex painful to asexuality, and from neurodivergence to increased risk or concern around living with STIs. There are many, many people out there who simply don’t find normative sex enjoyable! The good news is that you are NOT broken and you are most certainly NOT alone. 

And maybe none of these apply and you are simply looking for ways to bring a bit more excitement into your life. 


Wherever you are at, kink has SO MUCH to offer you - as a way to experience more pleasure, play, and empowerment in your life - and yet, many people are put off stepping into this world because it can feel a bit intimidating or even "weird". I get it! 

For me, kink is an invitation to think beyond the goal-oriented forms of pleasure we were told we should enjoy, to instead get curious about what CONNECTION means for us individually. 

​As a full-time kink and sex educator, I have worked with hundreds of people as they embark on their journey into kink through one-to-one sessions as well as my courses and workshops. I have also been exploring kink in my personal life for the last 20+ years, with some good, bad, and downright ugly experiences along the way! 

Here I offer a judgment-free space where all your awkward questions are welcome! “Kindness In Not Knowing” is at the core of how I work.

The Magic of Kink in Midlife: About Me

The programme

The Magic of Kink is my one-to-one programme for people interested in working with me directly as I guide you on a journey of enriching your life through kink. 

It comprises SIX online coaching sessions that can be scheduled weekly or fortnightly to suit your schedule and pace of learning.

Each session will delve into a particular theme or a topic but the outcomes and practices will be tailored to YOU. We will look at: 

  • Beliefs 

  • Connection 

  • Fantasy 

  • POWER 

  • Sensation 

  • Polarity 

This can be surprisingly deep work as we start dismantling beliefs around pleasure and power and listening to the parts of you that may have been overlooked until now.

The focus of my teaching is on creating a space for you to experiment, have embodied experiences, and talk about anything that is being stirred up. We are going beyond conceptual understanding and working with your body to notice what lights you up the most. 

You will receive homework to complete between each session, which you can engage in solo or with a partner. 

At the end of the programme, you will:

  • Know what your mind and body need to have more fulfilling experiences of intimacy and connection (solo or with others) 

  • Feel more confident talking to potential others about your desires 

  • Have a rich source of information and tools to draw upon to inspire your explorations 

I draw upon my professional training and experience as a Certified Dominatrix, Sexological Bodyworker, Embodied Facilitator, and Conscious Kink Practitioner. I’m also heavily influenced by depth psychology, the Wheel of Consent, and understanding our nervous system responses.  

(I use the word “magic” to describe this work, not to make it seem any more mysterious but because in my experience there IS something quite magical that happens when we bust through shame and give ourselves experiences that speak to our core desires!) 

The Magic of Kink in Midlife: About

What's included

SIX x 90-minute, one-to-one sessions with me, which will be delivered via Zoom.

Homework practices will be sent to you between sessions via email to support integration and deepen your understanding. 

The Magic of Kink in Midlife: Text

The schedule

There is no fixed start date for this programme so you get to choose when you're ready to begin (for as long as it's still running!)

Sessions can be scheduled weekly or fortnightly, with regular timeslots currently available mornings, afternoons, evenings, and weekends to accommodate different time zones. 

All sessions will be scheduled in advance, with some flexibility to reschedule should “life” happen so long as all six sessions take place within 4 months of enrolment.

The Magic of Kink in Midlife: Text

Client Feedback

The Magic of Kink in Midlife: Testimonials

Thank you so much for deepening my knowledge of my body’s desires and broadening my understanding of the pleasure that is possible. Our sessions have helped me to go deeper into my embodiment practices, become more present with my sexuality and ask myself and then my partner for what I deeply desire. You have given me the tools I needed to take control of my journey with pleasure and I am brimming with excitement at the discoveries that I know are ahead of me. 

You made me feel totally safe and held which meant I was completely at ease and free to explore without any expectation. 

Thank you again for helping me to let go and prioritise pleasure.

Steph, Manchester

The cost

The cost for the programme is £900, for which you will receive nine hours of one-to-one coaching time with me, plus homework tasks to support your integration and practice between sessions.

** If you are keen to join but feel that the price is the only limiting factor to attending, please get in touch and I will see what we can do to make this more accessible! **

The Magic of Kink in Midlife: Text

Join me!

You can sign up today via the button below. 

You can also contact me directly if you'd like to chat about the programme in more detail.

The Magic of Kink in Midlife: Text
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